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Genre: Hip Hop


60 seconds flow

Am I Going Crazy

Blind Man

Brightess night

Call me

Can i say

Can't do without you

Could this be the love for you

Don't you feel it

Dreams a reality

Feel it everyday


Hold up my head and pray

I am a nigger

I had to look into myself

I know that

I'm scared for you


Intro Anything you want to

It's a shame

It's the Music

Live for the better

Lord o lord

Miracles Can Happen

Mr. A & R Man

Music is what we love

Nothing Ever Matters

One day


People with honour

Psalm 27

Shackles and your chains

Still feel pain

Styles that flow


That you fool ed me

Things i say

This is a vibe

Today could be the best

U Gotta Believe

We get confused

We gotta stick together

Why do i feel

Wickedness in thee

You can't keep walkin away

You want to be

Your mind is going around

Yow my name is wilks

Yow My Name Is Wilks Dub